Monday 26 September 2011

Introduction Post


My name is Shaun. I have an online nickname of Teapot (or MrTeapot if you were being formal) so that is why I have chosen to call my blog 'Teapot Verses Life'. I hope that explains things for people if you thought that was a bit weird (not that being called Teapot is a normal thing to be).

So I'm doing Information Science as a postgrad course. I thought I was quite young at 24 to be doing a postgrad but it seems everyone else around me is in a pretty comfortable age range, some people younger, some people older, either way I'm not on a limb here.

I work in two Libraries for Westminster City Council, which I'm working full time, which must make my course part-time, so for now I'll only see you on Mondays. The libraries are in two very different areas which gives me lots of chances to meet, and cater for, contrasting demographics. Of course, as they are public libraries, they are all mental cases, but at least I get to see two different types of mentals.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll find out more about me in person, this is getting a bit weird now.


  1. Isn't it great to have so many types of crazy? At the National Archives (US), both the employees and researchers seem to have been bitten by the same bug. The public library had more straight forward crazy. P.S. Why can't I ever meet a happy children's librarian? The bitterness is just wafting off them...

  2. You don't have to be bitter to not be a happy children's librarian.

    I do a lot of the children's activities, I'm happy when I'm doing it (who wouldn't want to make papier mache?), but am a generally grumpy sod otherwise.
